
PHPUnit test harness for Komodo


     * @author  Michael Heim
     * @link
     * @version 1.2.0
     * @license
    require_once( 'PHPUnit/Runner/Version.php' );
    require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/tools/bootstrap.php' );
    require_once( HARNESS_LOADER );
    PHPUnitXt_Utils_Loader::load( 'PHPUnitXt_Ko_PrinterOptions' );
    class KoHarnessTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
        /* @var string    the full path to Komodo's drive_testrunner.php */
        protected $testrunner_path;
        /* @var KoDebugRun */
        protected $dummy_setup;
        /* @var PHPUnitXt_Ko_PrinterOptions */
        protected $default_printer_options;
        /* @var boolean   true if PHPUnit < 3.5 is used */
        protected $is_legacy_phpunit;
        /* @var boolean   true if --force-new-harness is on by default. Relevant for testing PHPUnit < 3.5. */
        protected $force_new_harness_by_default;
         * @dataProvider provideArgsAndReference
        public function testRunnerOutput ( $args, $dummy_test, $reference_file ) {
            // Get runner output
            $this->dummy_setup->create_harness_environment( $dummy_test, $args );
            require( $this->testrunner_path );
            $output = ob_get_clean();
            $output = DebugOutputTools::normalize_output( $output );
             Special case PHPUnit < 3.5:
             The harness under test runs only if the --force-new-harness switch is set, either by default or explicitly.
             If this is not the case and the legacy testrunner executes, different content should be returned (no content
             at all, normally, or error messages emitted by a buggy testrunner).
            $force_new_harness   = ( $this->force_new_harness_by_default or in_array( '--force-new-harness', $args ) );
            $using_legacy_runner = ( $this->is_legacy_phpunit and ! $force_new_harness );
            // Compare
            if ( $using_legacy_runner ) {
                $this->assertStringNotEqualsFile( $reference_file, $output );
            } else {
                $this->assertStringEqualsFile( $reference_file, $output );
        public function provideArgsAndReference () {
            $reference_output_dir = KO_REFERENCE_OUTPUT_DIR;
             * I. Testing printer options
            $option_set = new PrinterOptionSet( $this->default_printer_options );
            $option_set->prepend_path_to_filenames( $reference_output_dir );
            $dummy_test_path = INTEGRATION_TEST_RESOURCE_DIR . '/DummyClassTst.php';
            $test_configurations = $option_set->get_test_configurations();
            foreach ( $test_configurations as $configuration ) {
                $provider[] = array(
                    $configuration[ 'args' ],
                    $configuration[ 'output_file' ] 
             * II. Testing XML configurations
            $debug_factory = new DebugFactory( 'Ko' );
            foreach( BulkOutputGenerator::get_xml_config_dirs() as $xml_config_dir ) {
                $option_set = $debug_factory->create_xml_switches_from_dirpath( $xml_config_dir );
                $option_set->prepend_path_to_filenames( $reference_output_dir );
                $test_configurations = $option_set->get_test_configurations();
                foreach ( $test_configurations as $configuration ) {
                    $provider[] = array(
                        $configuration[ 'args' ],
                        $configuration[ 'output_file' ] 
            return $provider;
        public function setUp () {
            putenv( 'PHPUNIT_COMMAND_NOEXIT=true' );
            $testrunner = 'drive_testrunner.php';
            $this->testrunner_path = PHPUnitXt_Utils_Loader::root() . "/$testrunner";
            $this->dummy_setup = new KoDebugRun();
            $this->dummy_setup->set_testrunner( $testrunner );
            $this->force_new_harness_by_default = ( $this->default_printer_options->get( 'force-new-harness' ) == true );
            $this->is_legacy_phpunit = version_compare( PHPUnit_Runner_Version::id(), '3.5.0', '<' );
        public function create_fixture () {
            // Objects used by a provider must be available before setup is called,
            // hence a separate method.
            $this->default_printer_options = new PHPUnitXt_Ko_PrinterOptions();